Starpath Wikia

The UFS Ramlethal is a Caliburnus-Class Battleship, sister ship to the UFS Elphelt, and was formerly under the control of the Upyri Federation's Marine Corps branch as part of its own individual fleet of vessels. It is under the control of Anora Cortus, a former Upyri Marine, and her faction known as the Blood Corps.

Its name has also been changed to 'The Paragon' in an effort to distance itself from its Federation origins.

Upyri Federation of Planets
Military ForcesONICEEThe Honor GuardFBLEATPRF

WeaponryMechs & Battlesuits
Territories: NyxHemeraKerMoirai
Post-Interstellar History: The Division War (The Graveyard of MoiraiThe Separatists) • Expansion into the Southern QuadrantsUpyri in the Renegade Quadrant
Pre-Interstellar History: The Blood WarsAncient UpyriThe Colonization of Hemera
Vehha StryeTirell MetaisMarus ViraKetri BiramJiral NeaarsVedok PietschBastian Veiel
Former Members: Anora CortusKarina ThielAesha Drach

Crimson Incarnate
Upyri Federation Peacekeeping Forces
Factions: The Empire of Ker (Ker Rising)
Lore: The Second Division War
